Each case is different, so the cases take different time periods. The state courts have guidelines for different types of cases ranging from 1 year for the least complicated to 3 years for most, from the time a case is presented in court to trial. Although courts make every effort to comply with these guidelines, it is not unusual for specific cases to take longer. However, not all cases go to trial as some are resolved out of court. For Vehicle accident cases, settlement can occur at any time, from the early stages to just before trial.
Can it be settled without an attorney?
When personal injury cases are settled, they are settled for a fixed lump sum. You cannot come back later for more money if your injuries get worse, nor can the insurer come back for reimbursement. For this reason, much of the time depends on the medical status of your injuries. Until there is some certainty as to the extent of your injuries and whether they are permanent, it is often too risky for you or the insurer to settle. The unknown nature and extent of your injuries make it impossible to determine the correct amount of time your case will take. Thus, it would be good to have a professional injury lawyer by your side.
How much time will I have to dedicate to my case?
After the initial meeting with car accident lawyers, you will generally be asked to report periodically to your attorney on the treatment and progress of your injuries. How often you will need to communicate depends on where you are in your recovery and how much treatment you need. These updates are also a good opportunity for you to get an update from your attorney. After a lawsuit is filed, you will be asked to participate in the presentation of evidence, answer written questions, gather documents, and give a statement. All of this usually takes a day or two over the course of months after the lawsuit is filed.
What if my case goes in trial?
Finally, if your case goes to trial, you should expect to meet with your personal injury attorney to prepare for several sessions before trial and you will usually be asked to be present for trial from start to finish. The length of trials varies widely depending on the type of case – from two days for the less complicated cases to weeks for the more complicated ones. You should expect to meet with your personal injury attorney to prepare for several pre-trial sessions and you will generally be required to be present for the trial from start to finish.
No matter the case, you must always have a professional attorney by your side. Remember, your opponent has left no choice but to put you behind the bars, or ask compensation from you, even if you are not guilty. Your opponent has invested hiring a professional lawyer. So why would you look for cheap options?