Why Should I Care About a Personal Brand?

1 minute, 20 seconds Read

You know a lot of brands. Think of a couple. Pepsi, Audi, Nikon…you.

Every brand makes you thing of particular attributes. A company leaves no stone unturned when it comes to their brand. The shape of the logo, the color of the logo, the website design, and even the users manual all carefully shape the brand. Businesses spend a lot of money creating their brand in consumers’ minds.

Individuals also have to be concerned with their personal brand. Recruiters, human resource people, and hiring mangers are all consumers of your brand. Luckily you don’t have to spend a lot of money on your personal budget, however, you will have to be careful how your personal brand is built.

But why should you care about a personal brand? Here are the top 10 reasons why you should care:

Opportunities have a way of finding you. It is hard enough to go out and find an opportunity. You certainly don’t want to pass up on any opportunities for a job to find YOU. What a concept!
You will have an audience to validate your opinions and expand your horizons. Part of establishing a personal brand is creating a professional network and demonstrating your expertise to your network.
Your credibility sores. The more people begin to understand your brand the more they value your opinion.
Search engines become your friends – your personal brand is usually built through numerous online sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, forums and blogs. These pages are shown on the search engines and people see your name on a search query. They will recognize your expertise.


David Cohen

Rachel Cohen: Rachel is a sustainability consultant who blogs about corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices.

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